What kind of videos should you make for your business?

If you know you should be making video for your business, you might be asking yourself
"What kind of videos should I make for my business?"

This is a question that can be best answered by a 1 on 1 meeting where we figure out your challenges & goals to figure out the best course of action in terms of how video can best move you toward that future you imagine.

But to start, here's a list of 10 types of videos that I typically recommend.

1. Evergreen Video:
These videos introduce your company to those just learning about you for the first time. They do well on website home pages & as pinned posts on social media. They typically answer "Who are we? What do we do? & Why should you (the viewer) care?". They're a quick introduction to peak viewer interest and get them to want to learn more.

2. Training Videos:
These save time & money training new hires on site. They can also be used as a reference for positions that may need a brush-up in how to do certain tasks from time to time.

3. Product Videos:
Product videos show off the features of your product that your customers care about.

4. Promotional Videos:
These allow you to get your attention for an event, cause, or release in a way that's engaging and easily shareable.

5. Recruitment Videos:
If you often make new hires, this video can help show off how great your company is to work for! They help to make your business more attractive to high quality talent.

6. Podcasts & Interviews:
Position yourself as a thought leader in your niche or industry. These long form videos can also be cut down to create multiple short form pieces for your social media channels. This means more valuable content with less time spent on it.

7. Presentation or Performance Capture:
These videos can be used to pitch your future performances or speaking engagements, can be watched back as "game tape" to work on improving your set, or can be broken up into shorter pieces of content for social media channels.

8. Event Videos:
From time to time, most businesses have events. It's a great idea to capture those for future promotion, as well as keeping your network up to date!

9. FAQ Videos:
Having an FAQ section full of videos and text, as opposed to solely text, makes it more accessible & shares your personality with new customers while they're exploring the option of working with you.

10. DIY Social Media Content:
Turn the camera on yourself and pull back the curtain for your audience. Show them the day-to-day operations so they can get a better idea of what you would be like to work with!

This is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully it gives you an idea of all of the types of videos you could be creating for your business! And if you need help producing those videos, I specialize in this type of media creation with my business Wind Media Co. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all!

Thanks for being here.

-Nate Wind


Behind the Scenes - Videos for a Nonprofit Organization in Maine


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